The Laboratory of proteomics was established in 2004 at the new Campus of the University “Magna Græcia” of Catanzaro (UMG). The main research focus has been directed towards the analysis of tissues and biological fluids for biomarker discovery. Besides, Proteomics-UMG has made available state of the art instrumentation for protein identification/quantitation to internal and external collaborators. The laboratory is equipped with two hyphenated systems for mass spectrometry-based proteomics, both consisting of a nanoscale chromatographer (nanoLC) “EasyLC” (Thermo), and a hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer Q-Exactive (Thermo). Beside nanoLC-MS/MS analysis, the proteomics group has expertise in sample preparation (protein digestion and purification) and isotopic labelling (dimethyl labelling, tandem mass tags-TMT) for quantitative mass spectrometry. Finally, the laboratory can access hardware and software for MS/MS data analysis and validation (Proteome Discoverer- Thermo, Maxquant software).
The recently acquired hybrid quadrupole-ion trap mass spectrometer Qtrap 6500+ (Sciex), interfaced at the front end with a micro-PLC (Sciex) complements the available instrumentation, by providing an additional tool for sensitive protein quantification in targeted mode.
Proteomics UMG can offer analyses in the proteomics field for public and private laboratories on a service basis.
The recently acquired hybrid quadrupole-ion trap mass spectrometer Qtrap 6500+ (Sciex), interfaced at the front end with a micro-PLC (Sciex) complements the available instrumentation, by providing an additional tool for sensitive protein quantification in targeted mode.
Proteomics UMG can offer analyses in the proteomics field for public and private laboratories on a service basis.